About Us


a) Reducing Violence
At the heart of the communities, we empower to generate solutions is tackling youth violence and
related trauma effects. Everyone needs a safe space where they can maximise on their potential.
Our foremost group is for mothers and their families who have lost children through gun and knife
crime. They are supported through capacity building and well-being activities, running workshops on
trauma and grief, and tackling injustice they have suffered in the judiciary system.

b) Health and well-being
- A group for the over 50 years whose lives were adversely affected by Covid-19 and were suffering
from isolation, violence in the home and mental health. They reconnect with their former selves
through joint activities – coach trips, yoga, gardening, drumming and sharing food.

c) Intergeneration Activities
We bring together young people with the mothers’ group for support in digital technology. The
engaged young people learn about grief, trauma and reducing violence in the home and on the street.
The second lot of young people works with the over 50s group on healthy eating, budgeting and
preparing cultural foods.

d) Get Involved

  • Volunteering

We welcome volunteers to help us run our publicity and resident engagement events. We work
with a number of organisations who continuously create volunteering opportunities.

 We focus on:

  1. Training
  2. Capacity building – training, mentoring and fundraising
  3. Reduction of violence among young people
  4.  Employment
  5.  Health & well-being
  6.  Research